
Reinvent Your Life Group Coaching 

If you just asked yourself, “Can I really reinvent my life while I’m living with cancer?” Then this is PERFECT for you.

I created the Reinvent Your Life group coaching program for women in all stages of cancer treatment and recovery, including those who have had cancer many years or decades ago, but are still stuck in their cancer story, and are ready to release it and feel ready to step into their power now.

I can’t wait to be your guide on this journey of healing, self-love and self-acceptance!

The healing journey is not easy. I know because I’ve walked in your shoes.

What I do know is that it is easier having someone there to talk to and someone there to push you to do the things that you said you’ve always wanted to do. The time is now. No more waiting until the day you are told you’re cancer free. 

For many women, this day never comes. 

Today is the day you reclaim your life! TODAY, in this moment. 

For the next 3 months you will shift your mindset to focus on the present. You will not be in the mindset of constantly worrying about your future. You will create the future you want and start living it.

That means you get to start REINVENTING your life today!

It’s time to jump out of the cancer victim story and into the empowered cancer thriver (or whatever term you choose to use). 

YOU get to choose how you want to start living your life … and yes, even if you still have cancer.

For some time now, you’ve heard the voice inside calling you toward your own personal transformation. 

You have always wanted to do something, but you were too afraid. Not anymore. Not after you spend the next 3 months with me. 

You’ve spent hours daydreaming about the life you could have and start comparing your life to other cancer survivors. Maybe you ask yourself how did they get there and how did they find happiness again. But there’s always something holding you back from making a change. Maybe it’s fear. Maybe it’s your obligations. Maybe it’s self-doubt.

But you can be sure of one thing: whatever it is, we’ll find it. We’ll analyze it, accept it, tear it apart and kick it to the curb.

I was able to reinvent my life after cancer and a divorce. It was a horrific time, and it seemed like I was never going to live the joyful life I always dreamt of. 

The funny thing is, once I was taught how to make change happen, I never looked back. My life was never the same again. And if there was one promise I could make to you, it’s this:

If I could do it, there isn’t a single reason in the world why you can’t do it too!

With Reinvent Your Life Coaching, get ready to …

  • Bid a fond farewell to feeling stuck as you shift into a woman who feels free, powerful, purposeful and fulfilled as you own your voice and step into confidence regardless of where you are in the cancer journey.

  • Release self-sabotaging, toxic behaviors and relationships that are draining your life force so that you can take care of yourself and start living in the moment.

  • Clear the fear, pain, and drama around what you’re meant to be doing with your precious life. 

Each week we will dive into these areas:

Week 1: Vision

If we want change to occur, first we need to have a clear vision of where we want to go. Then we need to be willing to make different choices and take different actions. This is how we’ll create change. 

During this session we’ll get on the same map together so you have clarity around your vision – where you want to go. It’s all about your own desire plus who and how you want to be regardless of your life’s circumstances.

Week 2: Calibration

During this session we will discuss incompletions. Incompletions are unfinished business, loose ends, neglected responsibilities, half-baked projects and overlooked arrangements. 

In the external world, incompletions can show up as broken agreements, clutter, old files, incomplete to-do lists, clothes that don’t fit, anything lying around that we’ve literally and metaphorically outgrown. 

We also have incompletions in our internal world. Incompletions can show up internally in our thoughts and emotions. They show up as grudges, resentments, strained relationships, old traumas.

Incompletions are the stuff we’re still carrying with us that we have not put to rest. We often allow our incompletions to drain us or use them to beat ourselves up.

Week 3: Beliefs

Our choices and our actions are driven, powerfully, by the stories we tell ourselves about the world, about other people, and about ourselves. In this session, we’ll be working with what we make things mean, the stories that become the foundation for our beliefs. These stories can serve us or sabotage us.

Week 4: Self Worth

Most of us spend all our time running around pleasing others, and this doesn’t help us create the change we most desire. It also does not serve your future health. A life without self-worth is a life of dis-ease. We will explore how this affects your health. In this session we will explore the ways you prove and earn your worth, value and external validation to further tie in how what we believe about ourselves is magnetic.

Week 5: Boundaries

We’ll explore how setting and maintaining boundaries around your emotional and physical health will support you in creating a life with your reinvention vision at the center. You’ll learn why it’s so hard for you to set boundaries and what to do about that.

Week 6: Choice

If we don’t make different choices, our future arrives looking very much like our present and our past. There is great power in being able to make different choices. Your present moment choice is the crystal ball. Your present moment choice predicts your future. We all want to know what the future holds, and the truth is, we have tremendous power over our future based on the choices that we make and the actions that we take. 

As a cancer survivor, I understand some things are out of our control. This session is all about making choices that empower you on your healing journey. You have a choice and a voice. 

Every single choice we make does one of two things: it serves our vision for our reinvention, or it sabotages our vision for our reinvention. That’s it. One or the other. Every choice, every action serves or sabotages, and we want to be taking the actions that serve and move us in the direction of our desire. 

The choice to be negative or positive during your cancer journey is a choice.

The choice to exercise for your health is a choice.

Not all choices are easy. Together we will explore the choices you need to make in order for you to be the priority in your life. 

Week 7: Self Confidence

In order to reinvent your life after cancer and to create lasting change, you need to have confidence in yourself. This is not an easy task at first when you feel betrayed by your body and by what life has thrown at you. 

We’re conditioned to believe that we have to hide some part of ourselves in order to be loved and accepted. During this session we will cover disowned qualities, why they are essential in healing and how you can reclaim them to feel empowered and confident.

Week 8: Visibility

In this session we’ll be working with visibility. Allowing ourselves to be seen for the truth of who we are, without tamping ourselves down or packaging ourselves to be digestible to anyone else. Without hiding out inside or behind our beliefs, roles, personas, images that hold us back, and shining our light. Cancer saved my life and I will share with you how I went from feeling alone and invisible to becoming an author, speaker and sharing my story with confidence. Prior to my cancer diagnosis, I made myself invisible, playing it safe by never going for the things that I dreamed of doing. This session will help you clarify where you have been dimming your light and keeping yourself invisible.

What you get in this immersive, 8-week Program:

  • 8 x 1 Hour Live Group Coaching Sessions With Emilee over Zoom.
  • Follow Along Coaching Workbook With Tools & Journaling Questions. 
  • 8 Weeks of Email Access To Ask Questions & Get Support In Between Coaching Sessions.

Get The Early Bird Bonus!

When you sign up today you will receive 3 BONUS sessions all for just $397. (A private Zoom link will be sent to you separately for this bonus.)

When the 48 hour timer goes off, your investment will increase to $597 and NO bonuses included.

Space is limited.

You will have access to all of the recordings during the program in case you have to miss a session or two.

Reinvent Your Life Group Coaching Starts September 27th, 2022!

Session Call Dates: All weekly calls are held on Tuesday’s at 4:00pm pacific time.

Session 1: September, 27
Session 2: October, 4
Session 3: October, 11
Session 4: October, 18
Session 5: October, 25
Session 6: November, 1
Session 7: November, 8
Session 8: November, 15

If You Purchased The “Early Bird” Bonus Call Dates!

Session 9: November, 22
Session 10: November, 29
Session 11: December, 5

Note: Just in case you miss a session, calls will be recorded and available for viewing until the sessions are complete.

Life is short, as we know it.

Tomorrow is never guaranteed for anyone. 

Spend the next 3 months giving yourself this gift of HOPE!

You never know how the story will end, so why not start creating the happy ending to your future life.

PS. There is research that shows that the emotional body and physical body are closely connected. I consider this work emotional healing. When you focus on the bad and NOT surviving, what good does that do to your mindset? It is toxic. It is like putting more cancer into your brain. Together we will uncover some of your limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck in fear.

Ask yourself this question….

What does life look like if you continue to live in fear, doubt and worry?

Does that seem like a good quality of life for you?

You can change your QOL (quality of life) today when you decide that you are worth it. 

When the 48 hour timer goes off, your investment will increase to $597 and NO bonuses included.

How Emilee’s Work Has Changed Lives!

  • I love Emilee... She changed my life and I will always be so grateful!

  • Thank you so much Emilee for taking me under your wing and guiding me on how to break old sabotaging cycles. I am so grateful to be on this journey, it’s hard work that’s for sure, but after doing this big step I know next time and every time after it will just keep getting easier and easier!

    Breanna, USA
  • I found Emilee through a social media post about cancer. Although I have never had cancer, her positivity resonated with me, so I reached out to her. I cannot put a price on what Boundary Coaching has done for me. I went from a fearful feeling where I don’t have control over many aspects of my life to seeing my choices, my limits , and my value.  My time with Emilee brought a positive change in me that will last a lifetime.

    Kimberly Gentry