Coaching with Emilee
What is coaching?
Coaching is a guided process that moves you forward. It helps you create momentum in your life and create a vision for your future.
Coaching is NOT therapy.
Think of coaching like going on an archaeological dig. During your coaching sessions, we will uncover stuck patterns that have kept you in self-sabotaging behaviors by recognizing the shadow in your unconscious that you aren’t aware of.
There is a story deep inside that often is the root to all of our triggers.
Imagine facing that thing or person who triggers you. Instead of having an anxiety attack or reacting out of anger, you will be able to respond in a more conscious and healthy way.
When my energy healer put his hands on my abdomen and told me that I was going to die from anger before I was going to die of cancer, that was my AHA moment that I did have some control of my own story, no matter the outcome.
This is when I started to learn about healing the emotional body and hired my first life coach. My life changed for the better.
This is what coaching can do for you!
Your health is your wealth. Your story is gold. You may not see it now, but deep down under the layers of pain and numbed feelings is the real, authentic you.
Coaching will help you find yourself again. Maybe you let yourself go. You put others before yourself. Now is the time to put yourself first and take back your power. It’s never too late to start.
You are the hero of your own story. Let me help you find the hero within, so you can reclaim your self-worth and joy … and get your life back.
Having your very own professional life coach is life changing. It’s a safe place to express feelings and thoughts that you would never tell anyone else, maybe not even your best friend. It’s a place to release shame and guilt–a safe place to learn how to build back your self-compassion and forgiveness muscle.
Coaching Programs
Heal & Thrive Coaching

Let Emilee custom design the perfect 90 Day coaching protocol to support your cancer recovery–you’ll meet each week for 60 minutes (one-on-one) to help reduce your anxiety, fears and create doable action steps to keep you focused on what is most important to YOU and your health. Feel stronger, more confident and joyful, ready to step into a powerful new life after cancer!
Your New Life Story

Your New Life Story® is a groundbreaking 6 month One-On-One coaching program where Emilee leads you through the seven steps proven to effectively facilitate significant life change. You’ll begin to transform from powerlessness when you’re aware that you are the author of your story. New Life Story® Coaching is a specific method for identifying personal stories and systematically changing their narratives.
Boundary Coaching

Over 12 weeks, Emilee will lead you through the proven 10-Step Boundary Coaching™ Method to understand, clarify and express your own needs and desires, and how to protect them from the constant demands surrounding you. Build stronger self-respect and deeper self-love by honoring and taking care of your own boundaries. Enjoy greater joy, peace, ease & contentment – in every area of your life.
Reinvention Coaching

Bid a fond farewell to feeling stuck as you shift into a woman who feels free, powerful, purposeful and fulfilled as you own your voice and step into confidence. With Reinvention® Coaching, you’ll release self-sabotaging, toxic behaviors and relationships that are draining your life force with grace so you can feel vibrant, lit-up, and ready to be the creator of your own reality.
Vision Quest 90 Minute Session

With the Vision quest 90 minute session, uncover your highest version of yourself in the next 6 months. We develop a clear roadmap of what you need to integrate and eliminate from your life in order to become your true, authentic self. Together we will cover Health, Relationships, Career, Money, Adventure and Purpose.
Frequent Questions Asked:
Q: Where do I begin? I am overwhelmed!
A: If you are new to coaching, I recommend starting with the 90 minute vision quest. We address and map out the areas you need to focus on most and we can map a program just for you!
Let’s get started! Click Here